People all over the world are suffering from various kinds of diseases related to joint pain. Among them one commonest is Osteoarthritis. Under this, a protective cartilage present which forms cushions of bones, after some time becomes lower from there. The most affected site of this disease is in knees, hips, and hands by which it brings pain and swelling along with stiffness of that area.
When the conditions start to worsen, it can decrease the movement of the patient and make them unable to do daily activities. This medical condition can happen to any one of any age but mostly it can be found in older adults.
1. Primary Osteoarthritis
2. Secondary Osteoarthritis
3. Localized Osteoarthritis
4. Generalized Osteoarthritis
5. Erosive Osteoarthritis
Physiotherapy is one of the most appropriate treatments for osteoarthritis as it offers to manage pain, improve the functionality of joints, and even promote mobility without surgery and heavy medication. It provides targeted exercises to strengthen the muscles around the affected joints, to remove tension and improve stability.
Techniques such as manual therapy, heat or cold application, and electrotherapy decrease stiffness and swelling. Patients are experiencing comfort through such physiotherapeutic exercises. Physiotherapists also teach the patient correct posture and movement not to further damage the joint. Most importantly, physiotherapy is personalized. Exercises and treatments may vary for each patient so it can be a very safe and effective long term management of osteoarthritis.
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